Students in each year level are issued a specific list of personal stationery requirements, to be provided by parents or carers for use in class. We aim to restrict the list to essentials needed for learning, and ask that all items are named clearly and sent to school on the first day of school. Multiple items of consumables such as pencils, glue, exercise books etc. are listed so that supplies can be stored in the classroom to be issued to their owners as required.
One of our local businesses, Pomona News, provides a pre-ordered booklist service. Our booklists are also available for you to download below. Pomona News does carry limited quantities of the most commonly used stationery items throughout the year.
Listed below are our most current booklists:
Prep Booklist 2025
Year 1 Booklist 2025
Year 2 Booklist 2025
Year 3 Booklist 2025
Year 4 Booklist 2025
Year 5 Booklist 2025
Year 6 Booklist 2025