
Sporting grounds


Swimming pool

We are very fortunate to have our own 25 metre pool, which is accessed by all students throughout the year.

Swimming classes in school time are run by our specialist Physical Education teacher as part of our H.P.E. programme. Students participate in lessons at no charge, and may also have a chance to participate in other swimming activities organised by their class teachers.

Our pool is also utilised by other schools in the local area. Students and staff from these schools are transported to our pool for their weekly lessons.

Multipurpose courts

Two outdoor multipurpose courts are well used during H.P.E. lessons and lunchbreaks. Visiting sports coaches also access these for specialised lessons or short term courses for our students.

School hall - indoor courts and facilities.

Our multipurpose hall is used extensively by our staff, for indoor sports such as dance and table tennis. It also provides an alternative space when weather conditions are not suitable for physical activities outdoors.

School fields and ovals

We are fortunate to have ample space to host most outdoor sports and events on our two designated school ovals. In addition to being popular lunchtime play areas, the ovals are used regularly for outdoor H.P.E. lessons, class daily fitness activities, and training for school sports teams. We conduct our annual school athletics carnivals on the ovals, and incorporate our school bush tracks to add interest to Cross Country and Fun Run events.

Last reviewed 18 March 2020
Last updated 18 March 2020