Physical Education at Pomona State School, focuses on the Australian Curriculum strand of Movement and Physical Activity. Students are assessed and reported against the Achievement Standard of the Australian Curriculum in relation to their appropriate Year (Band) level: Prep, Years 1-2, Years 3-4, and Years 5-6.
Physical Education is timetabled into the weekly school timetable and is taught by a specialist PE teacher. All students are catered for within the programs offered at Pomona, endeavouring to contribute to a balanced school experience. Whilst we have our own 25m pool on school grounds to use during PE throughout the hotter terms, the following lists the various activities available at different times of the year both during and outside of PE lessons:
- Oz tag/Touch
- Basketball
- Hockey
- Cross Country
- Soccer
- Athletics
- European Handball
- Netball
- Rugby League
- Golf
- Water Polo
- T Ball
- Capture the Flag
- Swimming (Terms 1 & 4)
- Interschool Sport (Year 5&6 only)
- Surf Lifesaving (Years 5&6 only)
Pomona students are eligible to attend Noosa District Primary School Sports selection trials. A Noosa district team is selected to attend Sunshine Coast Regional Trials. Teams are generally in the Under 12 age division. Rugby League and Netball cater for an Under 11 and Under 12 team.
Schools are able to send a limited number of students to each district trial. Students must have appropriate skill and ability to take part in the sport at a representative level.
Students attending District Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics carnivals are identified from school carnivals.